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7.3 Precedence of Operators

Order Of Operations


Order Precedence Table

Level of Precedence Operator Description
10 (Highest, trumps all) (expressions...),
{key: value...},
{expressions...} Binding or tuple display,
list display,
dictionary display,
set display
9 x[index], x[index:index],
x(arguments...), x.attribute Subscription, slicing,
call, attribute reference
8 ** Exponentiation
(groups right to left)
7 -x Negation
6 *, /, //, % Multiplication,
real and integer division,
5 +, - Addition and subtraction
4 in, not in, is, is not,
<, <=, >, >=, !=, == Comparisons, including membership
tests and identity tests
3 not x Boolean NOT
2 and Boolean AND
1 (Lowest, trumps none) or Boolean OR