2.8/9 Module Basics
- A module is a file containing Python code that can be used by other modules or scripts.
- Programmer first imports module at beginning of file
- A module is made available for use via the import statement.
- Once a module is imported, any object defined in that module can be accessed using dot notation.
- Ex: A variable speed_of_light defined in universe.py is accessed via universe.speed_of_light.
Importing Modules and Scripts
- Importing Modules and Scripts
- if the value of name is main then the file was executed as a script.
Math Module
- Contains number of math stuff: trig, log, etc
- Function: list of statements that can be executed simply by referring to the function's name.
- The process of invoking a function is referred to as a function call.
- The item passed to a function is referred to as an argument.