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3.5 Dictionary Basics

Creating a dictionary

  • A dictionary is a Python container used to describe associative relationships.
  • A dictionary is represented by the dict object type
  • A dict object is created using curly braces { } to surround the key:value pairs
    • Ex: players = {'Lionel Messi': 10, 'Cristiano Ronaldo': 7}
  • An empty dictionary is created with the expression players = { }
  • Why use a dictionary rather than a list?
    • Ex: If a program contains a collection of anonymous student test scores, those scores should be stored in a list. However, if each score is associated with a student name, a dictionary could be used to associate student names to their score.
    • Other examples of associative relationships include last names and addresses, car models and price, or student ID number and university email address.


Accessing dictionary entries

  • Dictionaries maintain a left-to-right ordering, dictionary entries cannot be accessed by indexing
  • To access an entry, the key is specified in brackets [ ].
    • If no entry with a matching key exists in the dictionary, then a KeyError runtime error occurs and the program is terminated.


Adding, modifying, and removing dictionary entries

  • A new dictionary entry is added by using brackets to specify the key: prices['banana'] = 1.49
  • The del keyword is used to remove entries from a dictionary: del prices['papaya'] removes the entry whose key is 'papaya'.
    • If the requested key to delete does not exist then a KeyError occurs.

Adding new entries to a dictionary:

  • dict[k] = v: Adds the new key-value pair k-v, if dict[k] does not already exist.
    • Example: students['John'] = 'A+'

Modifying existing entries in a dictionary:

  • dict[k] = v: Updates the existing entry dict[k], if dict[k] already exists.
    • Example: students['Jessica'] = 'A+'

Removing entries from a dictionary:

  • del dict[k]: Deletes the entry dict[k].
    • Example: del students['Rachel']
