A function definition consists of the new function's name and a block of statements. Ex: def calc_pizza_area(): An indented block of statements follows the definition.
A function call is an invocation of the function's name, causing the function's statements to execute.
Python comes with a number of built-in functions, such as input(), int(), len(), etc. The def keyword is used to create new functions.
Good practice is to follow the convention of naming functions with lowercase letters and underscores, such as get_name or calc_area.
The function call calc_pizza_area() in the animation below causes execution to jump to the function's statements. Execution returns to the original location after executing the function's last statement.
A parameter is a function input specified in a function definition. Ex: A pizza area function might have diameter as an input.
An argument is a value provided to a function's parameter during a function call. Ex: A pizza area function might be called as calc_pizza_area(12.0) or as calc_pizza_area(16.0)